How to create lasting habits
I am here to inspire leaders of color to change the world; to help them thrive so that they can make a bigger impact in the world.
This article is for leaders who want to thrive by creating new habits. To thrive, you must create habits that are serving you, not habits you serve.
We become what we repeatedly do. What are you becoming? More importantly, who are you becoming?
"You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine." - John Maxwell
This article will provide five (5) tools for creating new habits in your life.
Habit creation steps:
Understand your values
Our values energize us and lead to positive thoughts and actions. When we are doing or thinking about things that do not support our values, we become stressed. Under stress, we are different people.
This might explain why humans have lots of energy around politics. We like one person because they stand for the things we value, while we don't like another person because they don't.
To understand your values, take some time and think about what gives you energy. Write down the top 5.
I've included a URL to a values exercise I've created for my clients. You can also visit my website at and download the 1-pager.
Uncover your why
Why do you want to create this new habit? Will it allow you to spend more time with your children, partner, or friends? Maybe it will enable you to become financially free. Could it open the door for that dream job? How about it leaving you feeling a sense of freedom, joy, or peace?
You will want to have a clear and heartfelt why. Without it, you will have trouble sticking to your new routine.
To uncover your why, and what's underneath it, I've created an exercise titled, "The 5-why's." I've included an example below. It will help you get down to the depths of your why.
Financial Goal Example: Save $100,000
Why - To buy an investment property
Why - To have additional income
Why - To have more freedom / Peace of mind
Why - I want to have a family someday, and I don't want to work like I am today
Why - I want to be a better parent than mine were to me.
Notice that the deeper we dig, the more we tap into feelings and emotions? This is critical because reminding yourself of your why will help you on the tough days—when you doubt yourself, second-guess yourself, and just don't want to do it.
Discover your current habits
You can't change unless you have awareness. This tool will help you gain an understanding of the habits that are and are not serving you.
For this exercise, get a sheet of paper and fold it into thirds. Write one of the following words at the top of each section - Morning, Afternoon, Evening.
Think about your habits during each of these times and write them down (it doesn't matter if they are good or bad habits). You can also do this in real-time if you're not sure (write them down as you're going about your normal day).
Put a + next to the habits that are serving you and a - next to the habits that are not.
Attach your new routine to an existing habit - or to a habit you wish to change
Here's an example from my life: I was in a job that I enjoyed, but I wanted to increase my technical acumen, get a technical job, become more financially secure, and become an entrepreneur.
My first step was to achieve IT certifications. I knew that in order to do this, I had a lot of learning to do.
One of my existing habits at the time was going to work. I attached studying to this habit. I decided to go to work 2+ hours early and study in the cafeteria every day.
I started this routine and made it a habit. I increased my technical understanding, got that technical job, became debt-free, and am now an entrepreneur.
Tell others what you're doing
This is not about finding an accountability partner, it’s about making your intentions known. There's power in communicating your goals to someone else. When you put it out there, it becomes more real in your mind and a shift occurs. It transforms from a thought into reality.
The key to habit creation is not only understanding your why, but what's underneath it. When you've got a purpose that lights a fire inside of you, you'll become unstoppable. Find your fire.
Habits take time. Don't give up. When you fall, get back up.
Remember - We become what we repeatedly do. Start now.
God bless you.
Initial publish date: 9/5/2020