It’s time to be seen.
You’ve got important work to do.
Does this sound like you?
You’ve learned how to become invisible and hide the parts of yourself that you don’t want to be seen.
You’re different, even weird, and this can be really lonely at times.
You’ve created success by having the courage to walk your own path. You intentionally take paths that most “normal” people avoid.
You’re real. You can deliver hard truths to people with ease, which you see as a form of love and service.
You are a high achiever and have paid a heavy price for it. Even though you’ve achieved high levels of success, you still feel like an imposter.
You’re an optimist, carrying everyone else on your shoulders. You don’t want to disappoint people, and this pressure can be draining.
There’s something missing, you’re unhappy, and your heart is screaming for more.
You know the answer to what’s next won’t be found by doing what you’ve always done.
You’ve learned how to hide the parts of yourself that you don’t want to be seen by others. These are the areas of your life that you’re not proud of or feel shame around. You freely talk about the good aspects of your life, hoping that people will focus on those and not ask about the other shameful areas. The dark side of operating this way is you hold back, never feeling truly yourself, and you don’t feel deeply seen, heard, or valued. You want to be more you, but you’re afraid of the unknowns - being treated differently by those you love and those in power. You’re afraid that your career and livelihood will be negatively affected if you are yourself.
The Other Path.
You're different, even weird. You have created success by having the courage to repeatedly walk your own path - The Other Path. You intentionally take paths that most "normal" people avoid because they are scared or intimidated. Your greatest achievements have been created from choosing to take The Other Path. Sometimes, this path was the only viable choice for you. The Other Path carries more uncertainty and risk. You’re driven by an inner knowing that your journey on this path will eventually pay off and lead you to create your desired future. The dark side is that there can be a mountaintop of highs and a deep valley of lows. It can be terrifying and lonely.
Hard Truths.
You deliver hard truths, and sometimes you feel misunderstood. Some people think you’re disengaged or don’t care because you speak truth to power. The truth is that you speak truth to power because you care deeply. You want everyone to win, and you feel it’s a disservice to remain quiet when your words can open people’s eyes and impact change. The dark side is that you can feel constantly defensive, misunderstood, and lonely. You have a reputation for speaking up, and this weighs heavily on you.
High Achiever.
You achieve. You can get done in 3 days what takes other people 5 days or longer to complete. You sometimes feel lazy, and it’s common for you to accomplish something outstanding and quickly move to the next thing. The dark side is that even though you’ve accomplished a lot, you still feel like an imposter. It's easy to celebrate others, but you struggle to celebrate yourself. You’ve paid a high price for the success you’ve created in your life, and now you want to prioritize yourself and amplify your impact.
You’re optimistic. Keeping your promises and showing up in integrity is essential and a core value you hold. Being of service to others is important to you, and this drains you. The dark side is it feels good to be needed, and you don’t want to disappoint people. You do for others and put yourself last most of the time. The pressure is draining. You keep going even though your tank is empty. You become burned out, disengaged, agitated, and resentful.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
You’re inspired by people who are:
Honest, hide nothing, and hold nothing back.
Masterful at using their voice for change.
Capable of being more productive while working less.
Experts at creating more freedom in their lives - freedom of thought, money, time, and energy.
Authentic, real, and own who they are - their truth.
Truly happy and prioritize loving themselves.
Doing what they love with the people they love.