He walked right into a wall!
I have a friend who wasn't paying attention.
He thought he was walking through an entrance; however, instead, he walked right into a glass door!
He was hurt.
The ambulance arrived, rushed him to the hospital, and thankfully, he had no major injuries as a result.
He didn't realize the glass door wasn't an entrance until after he ran into it.
We've all either done it or come close to making the same mistake.
He was lucky. Although it hurt, he got a wake-up call.
Obstacles, our false beliefs, are constantly stopping us, but we can't see them.
We block and limit ourselves all the time, and we keep bouncing off of each obstacle day after day.
Although doing nothing is easy, if we don't change, we may eventually hurt ourselves, our teams, or the people we love.
How does running into that same obstacle hurt you?
How does it hurt the people you love and care about?
I'm sure you're wondering, "How can I identify what my false beliefs are and where I'm holding myself back if I can't see them?"
Great question!
That's what I do for a living, so let's chat if you'd like to explore what working together would look like.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help answer that question and create self-awareness.
Write them down and sit with them before you answer them.
What and who am I tolerating (people, places, projects)?
What people, places, things, and activities zap my energy?
To whom and for what do I continually break promises?
What am I saying no to, and if I said yes, would change everything?
What am I saying yes to, and if I said no, would change everything?
What am I not saying that needs to be said?
What am I not saying that needs to be heard?
What's being said that I'm not hearing?
What did you learn about yourself?
Make a change today. Small steps count!
God bless you.
Thank you,
Initial publish date: 2/18/2020