Your life will change forever when you click submit

Your life will change forever when you click submit.

The submit moment I'm referring to is your moment of courage.

In my world, a moment of courage is when you're standing at a critical decision point and feel nervous, scared, and excited about a host of what-ifs waiting for you on the other side.

Some of the thoughts are: What if I'm rejected? What if I actually get what I want? What if something I haven't thought of happens?

I'm in the research phase for a book I'm writing about the loneliness of the African American leader. As part of my research, I'm reaching out to African American leaders who I admire, asking for 15 minutes of their time to answer 3 questions.

My moment of courage: I reached out to Shaquille O'Neal.

He may or may not get back to me, but, I changed the moment I clicked submit.

It took a lot of courage for me to reach out to him. I'm more confident and strategizing about how to play even bigger this week and in the future.

Your life will change forever when you decide to play bigger and click submit.

I'd love to hear from you.

Tell me about either one of your moments of courage from the past or one you want to create in the future.

I'm curious - share your moment of courage!

Be More You.



3 Ways to Be in Your Courage


Getting Ready to Act is Slowing You Down