You didn't get here on your own

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My twin and I were born 2 months early, with a 20-40 percent chance of survival.


In the hospital, we were cared for by Doctors, Nurses, and other staff.


Growing up, we were cared for by our parents, siblings, family, neighbors, teachers, church members, and even strangers who wanted the best for us.


I remember interviewing for my first job at the age of 16, wondering if I would get it. 


I got the job because someone took a chance on me and thought that I was worth the risk.


Many people have taken a chance on me and shaped me into the man I am today. 


For that, I am grateful.


Who helped you get to where you are today?


Whose lives are you shaping? 


Up for a challenge?  Find a stranger who can use some help and help them. 


The help you give might be words of encouragement accompanied by a huge smile. 


It might also be telling someone who might be feeling unappreciated why you're thankful for them.


It might be financial or holding the door open for someone.


The great leaders, husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, partners, friends, and family are consistently serving others.


Go serve someone today.


God bless you.


Thank you,


Initial publish date: 3/3/2020


I was told I didn't have a job anymore


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