How to win more often

If you want to win more, you've got to commit to taking action on this single question:

How will I be better today than I was yesterday?

Answer this single question each morning.

Who you are becoming is critical to winning throughout your life.

Consistent focus on who you are becoming will amplify your confidence and impact and allow you to differentiate yourself.

It's a simple concept that can be challenging to implement, so make it easy.

Start small and keep it simple.

At the end of your day, reflect on how you showed up. Write it down on paper or log it into your phone. Answer the question:

How did I show up better today than yesterday?

Don't forget to celebrate yourself. It's easy to walk past this step.

Your biggest competitor is the limits you place on yourself - your status quo. Said differently, you're only ever in competition with yourself.

You've got this.

Be courageous.



Believe to Become


Create your happiness