Who Is Shermain Melton?
I am Shermain Melton.
I am a confident and courageous Leadership Coach.
I am a courageous, confident, smart, loving child of God.
I am a leader that listens first. This allows me to notice what isn’t being said and bring it to the surface.
I am dedicated to being real.
I am a man who's about making a bolder impact in the world and living a life of courage, authenticity, commitment, and love.
I am love and safety.
I wonder what would happen if I trusted myself fully.
I hear Dad saying, “You can do it because you are my son.”
I am a positive force in this world.
I no longer give energy to the thought of not being enough. I am enough.
I am worthy of abundance and love because I am abundant and loving.
I want to belong.
I fear that being myself is not enough.
I create spaces where people feel seen, heard, held, loved, and belong.
I am Shermain Melton.
I pretend that I need to look, be, or act like someone else to really thrive.
I know that when I focus, I achieve.
When I am myself, great things happen.
I dream of a world where there is no shame in being yourself.
I see my clients, and they often show me the darkest parts of themselves so that healing can begin.
I am a glowing light in this world.
I hope to inspire, provoke, and change lives. One person at a time.
I wish I were better at loving others.
I bless others by being myself and challenging them to do the same for themselves.
I love to see kids playing.
I am Shermain Melton.
Who are you becoming?