What inspires you?


Have you ever struggled to follow through with a goal or a dream?

Chances are, you weren't inspired enough.

Motivation is short-term and driven by external sources such as bonuses and recognition.

Inspiration, on the other hand, helps you create long-term success and comes from within.

"Growth inside fuels growth outside." – John Maxwell

If you want to create more in your life, you need a compelling why.

A compelling why will give you the fuel to stick with it during the difficult times.

Also, you need to have an understanding of your "so that."

Your "so that" describes the effect of your why.

Here's an example:

I want to create a team that is excited to come to work each day.

Why: Because I want myself and my team to be happy

So that: We can be happier outside of work and not dread coming to work

Why else: Because I want better retention numbers

So that: I don't spend as much time training, the organization saves money, and I can focus on thought leadership

Why else: Because I want my team to be more productive

So that: We will have more time to collaborate and create instead of putting out fires

Why else: Because I know that we are better than this

I'm sure you get the drift.

Remember, it starts with you.

Do you have a why?

Does your why have a why else, and a so that?

How would your life change if you were inspired?

Go get it!

Thank you,

Shermain Melton

Initial publish date: 1/29/2020


Shermain's Zone of Genius/Gifts - word cloud


The time I fired a team member